Wine Country Web Services
Wine Country Web Services
P.O. Box 2494
Napa, CA 94558
Tel: 707-337-9410
Wine Country Web Services focuses on web design, development, and hosting. With over three hundred web sites designed over the last ten years, we have the experience to handle your project in a timely and affordable manner. We work with professional graphic artists for those customers that need a unique brand identity designed, and we code sites we develop with Cascade Style Sheet control. We can develop sites designed first in an art program like Photoshop or Illustrator and hand code them with CSS, or we can provide for you a custom content management system site built on the Joomla!, Drupal, or Wordpress platforms. We can handle your ecommerce needs with a variety of solutions, including the popular VirtueMart and Zen Cart applications.
Rack Space Hosting
The Wine Country Web Hosting server is located with RackSpace, the top of the line managed hosting service. The computers we use are brand new Dell PowerEdge enterprise level RAID Array machines. We monitor the performance of the machines 24-7, and do daily tape backup. Most web hosting services guarantee 99% uptime, which sounds great, but 1% of a month's worth of time is actually 7 hours you can be down (and if the chat forums are any indication, often are). We don't make any promise of uptime, but in 8 years we have only been down an occasional few minutes while doing a re-boot after upgrades, and those we schedule for the middle of the night.
What is a Successful Web Site?
For some people a web site only needs to be a 'business card on the web'; a place to send people to see information about your business or organization, but for most of us, we want the site to be found all on it's own. For a web site to be an effective marketing tool, it should first be easy to be found, then when people go there the site should be impressive enough to draw visitors within to see the content, and the content should convert the visitor into a customer.
Search Engine Optimization
At Wine Country Web Services we understand search engine performance is important to a lot of you. We provide each web site with a base set of search engine code and an .htaccess file with the correct re-direct code to turn non www requests into www results. What this means, for those of you that may not know, is if you go to an address, and the web browser doesn't add the www on it's own, the search engines consider the non www address and the www address ('cause if you type in the www it will work also) two separate sites and rank the site lower as a result. Merely clicking on the Global Configuration button to use re-directs isn't enough, the code has to be included in the .htaccess file, and the file needs to be correctly named. We take care of that for you!
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