The Oya Group
The Oya Group
16450 Los Gatos Boulevard
Suite 110
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: (408) 358-3444
Fax: (408) 358-0704
Every business has a story. Since people are story-centric, your well-told story is noticeable, memorable, and effective. It's more than just storytelling, we call it storyselling. Storyselling yields results. That's how we deliver marketing that creates payoffs. Superb creative, vast experience, youthful energy, and great stories all brought into alignment for one purpose: maximizing your outcomes. The Oya Group—because your great story needs a great storyteller.
The Foundation of Effective Storyselling
A well-thought-out strategy
A strong strategy never needs to be presented in a 75-slide PowerPoint deck, and it’s straightforward to execute. Strong strategies are uncomplicated, flexible, and easy-to-implement. They are the articulation of your plan to move the market, to achieve your goals, to attain your outcomes.
Outcome-oriented marketing is an incredibly strong foundation for effective strategies. Because strategies without any implementation plans are merely dreams, our marketing process starts, proceeds, and ends with your goals and how best to achieve them. An effective strategy combined with a simple implementation plan means that you, and your entire team, know what you’re working towards, every hour of every day. It coordinates your efforts so that every team member, and every piece of marketing you do, forwards the process of achieving your goals. When your strategies are smart and simple, it's easy to measure how well you’re performing; the metrics are straightforward and everyone can understand how you’re operating against plan.
Your identity (logo, name, brand) needs to communicate the essence of your story in a single graphic, one look and feel, and (at most) a couple of words. It is one of the most challenging aspects of marketing. Your identity will give prospects a clue as to who you are, what you do, what you represent, and the values you bring to them. It is the one piece of your marketing that most frequently creates a first impression, so it’s critical to starting off your story right. Creating your identity through the process of outcome-oriented marketing means that this critical piece of your marketing ecosystem will do its job as effectively as possible. It means that your prospects, your market, and your public will understand the essence of your story from the initial impression, from the very first glance. When you start at the outcome, every step gets you closer to your goal.
The Magic of Interaction
Your website is—by far—the most visible face your company has. The web is the most powerful communication tool since the printing press. It is also one of the most challenging media to get right, which is why there are so many mediocre websites out there. The latest data shows that you have 10–14 seconds to engage your audience, so your website needs to be a truly effective blink moment. It’s also effectively impossible to tell your complete story in that time. So it takes experienced communicators to derive the essence of your story and deliver that in an engaging, entertaining, and incisive way. Once you’ve done that, you have permission to provide the richness, the detail, and the depth of your complete story.
And beyond the web, once you’ve grabbed someone’s attention, you need to keep it in order to continue to deliver your message. There is nothing worse than a poorly designed flash demo or media piece—after all, who wants digital Ambien? Part of the value of storyselling is that each piece is engaging, informative, entertaining, and memorable. Oya takes your story and turns it into a beautiful interactive piece; well-written, elegantly designed, and concise.
Copyright © 2009 The Oya Group.
