Sun Powered Productions
Sun Powered Productions
245 El Cajon Way
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: (831) 706-4277
Sun Powered Productions was founded in 2001 by Jonathan Collyer. Seeing the internet as a bridge between geographically distant communities and a leveling ground for variously sized businesses, Jonathan wanted to create a company that would give small businesses an edge and help cottage industries connect to a global marketplace.
Since then, Sun Powered Productions has expanded into a web development company capable of providing a "full service" set of hosting & domain name, website production and internet marketing services to help our clients grow their businesses.
Web Marketing
Referred to as Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Web Marketing and Internet Advertising, the business and art of bringing the right visitors to your website is a critical aspect of meeting your websites goals. Our business offers a full suite of marketing services to move your business forward, increase lead generation and improve your return on investment in internet services.
While we are accustomed to working with a variety of specialists to provide the most cost effective solutions for our clients, we also advertise the advantage of having one turn key production company. We keep a collection of all our clients logos, photographs, artwork, documentation and develop knowledge about the particulars of your company to expedite the production of a variety of marketing materials.
There are three sources of visitors to any website.
- A visitor enters your "" into the web browser.
- A visitor finds your site using a search engine like google, yahoo, msn, etc.
- A visitor clicks on a link or advertisement on another website.
Visitors who visit a website by directly typing in the domain name usually got there through some marketing campaign. Whether it was through an email announcement or a fully-colored brochure, putting your domain out there in the physical world generates website traffic. Some businesses use one company for their website, another for logo design and yet another for design of business cards & brochures.
We provide consulting and full service production of a variety of print & electronic materials, including but not limited to:
•Newsletters (both online & printed)
•Business Cards
•Brochures & Fliers
•Post Cards
•Newspaper & Magazine Ads
For most websites a large portion of visitors will come from search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.
SEO refers to a broad range of "Search Engine Optimizing" techniques, which improve the chances that someone conducting a search for a particular topic will find your website. The three areas that we work with are:
•SEO friendly website design
•Keyword, Competition & Industry SEO Research
•Link Promotion
•Keyword Appropriate Content Development
One of the most influential techniques for improving a websites search engine exposure is buy increasing the number of reputable websites that link to your site. Search engines consider links from other websites to yours a "vote" for your website. Website links from websites that are popular, industry specific and follow good webdesign practices increase the search engine rank of your website more than ones that do not. While we offer "Link Promotion" as a service, we encourage our clients to invite reciprocal links with industry peers, list their companies on high value or industry specific directories and make use of social & business networking sites like
When a visitor arrives at your website after clicking on a link on another website, on an advertisement, in an email or on a networking website it is considered a referred visit. We provide consulting and implementation of a variety of referral based marketing campaigns including:
•On-line Advertising
•Newsletter Emails, Email Advertising
•Directory Listings
•Links from Local or Industry Websites
•Social & Business Networking
•Video Networking
© 2009 Sun Powered Productions.
