NetScope, Inc.
NetScope, Inc.
1100 South Coast Highway, Suite 314
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Phone: (949) 450-1122
Fax: (949) 450-1133

NetScope, Inc. was founded in 1995 as most websites were still clinging to their static HTML roots. NetScope’s goal then, as it is now, was to apply interactive technology to deliver real results for its clients. NetScope grew quickly as Orange County and nationwide companies realized that NetScope could bring complete, integrated online strategies to businesses and their customers.

As new technologies have emerged, NetScope has continued to apply the appropriate mix of applications and strategies to help clients grow their businesses. Testaments to NetScope’s successful client service are the numerous clients served for more than five years. NetScope’s services deliver real results for these companies and grow with them as their businesses evolve and improve.

Many agencies use the "Company Profile" space to boast of their awards. Our most important awards are our Client Testimonials. Although our quality assurance, creative designs, information architecture, customized web programming and project management continue to garner awards, the real reward is our long list of satisfied clients. Our awards won’t make your business money, but our work will, and your satisfaction is the key to our completed work.

OUR Solutions

NetScope views our work for you as a means to improve your business. Our Solutions range from individual projects to comprehensive strategic approaches to your entire interactive online presence and even integration into your traditional brand. By “Solutions” we really mean it - we want to see these applications and strategies solve your business concerns, bring new opportunities, reach new targets and generate results.

That’s why you’ll find that one of our most praised Solutions is Analytics. Many businesses are judged on how well their dollars return value, so we know it’s important to know what your campaigns and programs are doing for your business. Equally as important is what your campaigns and programs aren’t doing, and what needs to be modified. Our Analytics Solution not only provides you with a performance evaluation, we provide you with recommendations to improve that performance.

•Website Development
•Search Engine Marketing
•Email Marketing
•Self-Administrative Module
•Website Maintenance
•Website Hosting
•Customer Relationship Management
•Mobile Marketing
•Social and Behavioral Marketing

Copyright © NetScope Inc. 1995 - 2010.
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