Little Giant Studios
Little Giant Studios
543 Country Club Dr. Suite B420
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Tel: 805-876-4547
Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Search Engine Marketing SEM, Pay Per Click PPC is to increase a Web site's traffic counts, and convert that traffic to paying customers, by strategically building a web site that's optimized to rank very high on search terms of your companies products or services when someone types them into a search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others. There are two major ways of accomplishing this. One is organic or natural search engine rankings and the other is paid or Pay Per Click PPC and Pay Per Impression PPI. I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail individually on these topics just yet, but I am going to give you a starting point and also point you in the right direction. In the next paragraph we are going to get started on the basics.
The Basics "Plan your work and work your plan"
You may or may not know what your companies market or potential market is. With the power of the Internet you are able to find out statistically who or what your market is and reach those markets all over the world or focus in on your local market. A good place to start is to ask your self some important questions. I want you to grab a pen and paper and write this down as we go. You may not know the answers to these question but do the best you can. Write down anything that comes to mind.
1.Who and or what is buying my products or using my services now? IE: Professionals, parents, Businesses, income, males, females, ethnicity, religion, etc.
2.Is my company in a niche market or do I offer products and or services that anyone could use?
3.What are the top fifteen industry keywords, phrases or popular products.
This is a good starting point, we can do some damage based on this information alone. Keep this in a safe place because you will be adding to this and referencing this piece of paper for the life of your business.
The Next Step
Will you be doing the work in-house or will Little Giant Studios be doing the Internet marketing for you? If Little Giant Studios is going to do the work for you It's time to start thinking about what kind of budget you are working with. We will put together the right package that meets your budget and needs. Give us a call today for a free quote. 805-876-4547
Does your company have a existing web site or do you need one built for you.
1.Domain name: Your companies web address or URL. Starting as low as $1.99 a year.
2.Web Hosting: This is where your company's website lives on a computer in a data center. Starting as low as $10.95 a month.
3.Web site: Little Giant Studios can provide a basic template website starting at $200.00 a month.
