Elegance in Design
Elegance in Design
PO Box 517
Antioch 94509
Phone: (866) 820-5169
About Elegance in Design
We were formed for a singular purpose: to help people like yourself realize their vision online. Elegance in Design was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area and remain there today.
We are a full service web development and marketing company. Everyday we strive to meet our customer's demands and expectations -- treating each customer on an individual professional basis. That personal service has given us high regard amongst our clientele.
Search Engine Marketing
What is Search Engine Marketing?
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the combination of a number of techniques to increase your website's visibility within search engines. Techniques such as On-Page Search Engine Optimization, Off-Site Promotion, Link Building, and Paid Placement.
SEM is becoming more and more mainstream and in fact more important as people are moving towards a paperless world. Long gone are the days of the yellow pages, everything is moving to the digital world wide web and as such the competition is getting more and more fierce.
Elegance in Design uses the techniques listed above to promote your site and increase it's popularity and delivering the most effective visitor: a target lead ready to buy.
Search Engine Optimization
The importance of organic search optimization and having a well qualified search engine optimization specialist can't be stressed enough. If you want your web site to succeed, you need a good SEO consultant.
Our SEO consultant will consider the search habits of your targeted audience before making any changes to your site—the more relevant your site is the higher your site will rank.
Our SEO consultant will research keywords choosing the absolute best options and will optimize your pages to walk that line between over optimized and under optimized. This will ensure you are taking full advantage of organic search optimization.
PPC Management Service
What is PPC or Pay-Per-Click?
Think of it as pay to play. While organic search engine optimization will help you rank higher in the organic results over time, some companies understandably want to rank high today. That's what PPC is, you bid the highest and you show up #1.
Sounds easy enough right? So why do you need a company like Elegance in Design to manage your PPC campaign? To put it simply, PPC can be a trap. Bid for the wrong keyword phrases and focus on the wrong target audiences and you will end up paying a small fortune for little results. We will ensure you get the most bang for your buck.
