1262 Beryl Street
Suite #137
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Phone: (310) 285-3004
Fax: (310) 285-3007
Welcome to CreatiVerve Online - CV360 - A Leading "One Stop Shop" Marketing Solutions Company.
Providing Custom Graphic Design, Website Design, Hosting Solutions & Marketing Services that get results.
Since 1995 our creative team has been helping professionals build their brand, reputation, business, and income with cutting edge custom graphic designs, award winning websites, dependable and affordable hosting solutions and marketing programs that get results.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our company and the creative services we offer. If you would like to see examples of our work please take a look through our portfolio pages and/or contact us to set up an initial consultation.
Our creative team looks forward to the possibility of helping you build a brighter future by helping you reach your marketing goals. It is our firm belief that "MARKETING IS THE ANSWER" for your product, service, business and you!
If there is a creative service we can provide for you or if you have any business / marketing related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via e-mail or phone. We thank you for visiting our website ( CV360 ) and look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
CreatiVerve, your "One Stop Shop" Full Service Marketing Solutions Company.
CreatiVerve is a forward thinking, full service Marketing Solutions Company.
We provide a wide range of creative services to both local and nationally recognized companies.
Webster's Dictionary defines CREATIVE as having or showing imagination and artistic or intellectual inventiveness; VERVE is defined as vigor and energy. These are the traits that drive CreatiVerve.
In an environment of unprecedented change and complexity, traditional solutions and thinking are no longer adequate. With equal adeptness in both the digital and real world, CreatiVerve mobilizes the right people, skills, and technologies to help clients improve their performance. Marketing solutions is not a slogan but an empowering statement of our capabilities.
--- Online Marketing / Web Marketing ---
Web / Online Marketing options are endless and they will continue to grow and expand as technology continues to move forward.
Web Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Strategies (SES) Online Marketing Internet Marketing Algorithms Criteria Directory Listings Banner Advertising Link Popularity Link Exchange Targeted Traffic Unique Visitors Link Reclamation Holistic Link Building Blogs Text Content RSS Feeds Social Networking Sites Pay Per Click (PPC) E-mail Advertising E-mail Marketing Keyword Research Meta Tags Titles txt Files Submit Optimize Affiliate Marketing Conversion Testing, Usability Link Strategies Viral Marketing Techniques Local National Global, etc.
What options are the best options for you? What options will provide you the best ROI - RETURN ON INVESTMENT? Should you find and use 10 different companies that specialize in a certain marketing technique to get the results you are after? Is there a market or audience for your product or service? Should you spend more of your marketing budget online or offline?
These and many other questions need to be asked and answered prior to moving forward with a specific marketing campaign; whether it is real world or online related. If there is an avenue out there that would benefit you, your products, service or business let it be our job to find it, advise you and implement the strategy.
Depending on the subject matter being considered we may choose to outsource different online marketing tasks on a given project. We may engage the services of a reputable service-related company to drive Targeted - Unique Visitors to your site each week via online advertising; while another service-related firm may be engaged to drive targeted traffic via e-mail marketing. We may decide that spending a percentage of the marketing budget on PR - Public Relations may be in the best interest; while on other projects Direct Mail - Print Advertising may be the key.
Regardless of the industry or audience our job remains the same... promoting you, your service, products and/or business successfully via customized marketing strategies.
