Content Domain
Content Domain
11225 Morrison St., #206
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone: (818) 763-0144
Fax: (818) 743-7545

Content Domain is a digital platform providing marketing-oriented content for companies on and off the web. Content services include intellectual property as diverse and detailed as traffic-driven online content, newsletters, articles of various subjects, press releases, copy for brochures, creative writing services and much more.

Content Domain's exclusive team of marketing experts and freelance writers are geared to write compelling content for all of your organization's needs. For web companies seeking search engine optimization, Content Domain's team of skilled SEO programmers are trained to optimize the traffic-driven content our writers compose from a list of keywords pertaining to your organization's specific products and services.

Copywriting (SEO copywriting) is defined by any and all words or text written with the intention to persuade customers to purchase products. Content Domain's marketing experts and highly skilled writers generate copy(writing), either on the web to "punch up" your advertising prose to motivate customers to buy. Copy(writing) includes company slogans, taglines & general print marketability.

Web Content
In many cases web content and copy is the only way to communicate and convey messages to potential customers on the web. Web content and copy can be anything from the text within a website to the photos and graphic images that comprise it. Currently, Content Domain provides impeccable, persuasive and informative written content and copy designed to convert your visitors into sales or return users of your site's services. In the future, Content Domain aims to become a provider of graphic arts and photos as well as written content to fulfill your web domain's project needs.

Search Engine Optimization & Keyword Services
Stand Out.
Search Engine Optimization is the practice of making a website's content (namely text) "search engine friendly." Content Domain will also research and create keywords within your web company's industry and compose content and copy based on those keywords, which will eventually drive targeted traffic to your site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will help your website:

•Increase website traffic 100%-6,000%
•Compete amongst competitors
•Increase conversions
•Increase revenues
•Reduce acquisition costs
•Broaden market share

In addition, Content Domain will submit your site to over one hundred (100) search engines including: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Cosmodex, Lycos, MSN, AltaVista, HotBot and many others.

Copyright Content Domain 2005
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