17730 Lassen St.
Northridge, CA 91325
Phone: (818) 734-0092 is the leading provider of online business consulting services for small and medium size companies.

We offer a full range of services, including website blueprinting, keyword dna analysis, exclusive seo analysis, pay per click campaigns, social media development, content decision making, inbound linking programs and much more for every stage of a business lifecycle.

We are an elite group of world renowned experts who have come together to offer solutions that are unparalleled in the Internet world today. With over 100 years of experience translating technology into business tools, we have the background to guide you through the process of building traffic, and sales through your web presence.

Think of us as the new breed of online business advisors — our role is to ensure your business realizes the full profit potential offered by Internet technologies and techniques.

Our team knowledge comprises expertise in many areas, such as, silicon valley caliber programming, corporate and government database and web application development, high-profile web, graphic and interactive design, top-tier on and offline marketing and advertising consulting, international personal-excellence and leadership training and more.

We are a new breed of online business advisors.

Dozens of our clients will tell you the same thing; our process of working with clients like you is much more than just online or Internet marketing.

Our processes and thinking integrate your online presence into your business, into your entire sales process, all encompassed by the simple, yet essential "Three Get 'Em's".

Why you should listen to us - What is in it for you?
Here's a little straight talk. You will hear the same concepts of conversion, acquisition and retention from any advisor worth their salt. They are not new or earth shattering. They are tried and tested.

What you won't hear or get anywhere else is our approach and the proprietary tools we employ to deliver the results. We think in a much bigger picture and our systems deliver that to you.

Discovery Strategy
A discovery analysis is the first in our process. At this stage we will begin to formulate a full Online Marketing Strategy.

This may include a Site Audit if you have an existing website or a Market Research Brief if you do not yet have a web presence.

PPC Testing Strategy
We use PPC to analyze the market demand from a high level and used this base of keywords as the basis for keyword selection for the ensuing Pay-Per-Click search engine test.

The purpose of testing through PPC is to extract the 3-5 vital metrics for your business. They include: 1.Converting Keywords
2.Cost Per Visitor
3.Cost Per Prospect
4.Cost Per Customer
5.Value Per Visitor

Business DNA Research.
Using the “money keywords” from PPC testing results as a basic, the next step is to complete a detailed market and keyword analysis, taking into account latent semantic indexing and synonym co-occurrence.

Continuity Strategy
A well thought out continuity plan is vital to the success of any web business. A continuity plan is design to catch buyers and possible customers in all stages of the buying cycle.

Marketing Strategy - Macro
A traffic plan details the components necessary to create the appropriate overall web presence for your product or service.

The Marketing Plan is the macro approach and includes a high-level review of your overall market in order to determine which specific traffic channels are most suited for your product and business model.

Copyright © 2008 a division of Traffic Genesis, Inc..
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