San Juan Capistrano, CA
Tel: (888) 989-9892
il: sales@4webhits.com
Massive, Targeted, Guaranteed Traffic - Now!"
How much traffic are you currently getting to your web site? Are you really satisfied with that amount?
What if you could get TWICE as much traffic as you do now? What about 10 times as much - or 100 times? What could that kind of traffic do for your sales, leads, registrations or public image?
The truth is, if you're doing business on the web, traffic is everything. What good does it do to have a fantastic web site, product or service if nobody ever sees it?
Now, thanks to our Homepage Interstitial Transfer ("HIT") technology, you can have all the targeted, quality traffic you've ever dreamed of, at a price you never imagined possible!
Our HIT Program allows us to deliver enormous amounts of targeted visitors from a vast network of quality sites directly to your homepage. These are not banner impressions! These are live, unique visitors actually viewing your site on their screens.
We will explain exactly how this technology works, and why it is superior to banner and conventional advertising, in a moment. But first, let's get straight to the bottom line of exactly how our program can benefit you...
Eight Powerful Advantages of the HIT Program
• Increase Sales
Vastly increase exposure to your products or services, giving many more customers the opportunity to buy.
• Generate Leads
Greatly extend your reach into target markets to generate new leads, signups or registrations.
• Maximize Online Branding
Enormous branding potential at rates unheard of using conventional methods. Why use tiny banners when you can show surfers a Full Page ad or even your home page?
• Sell Advertising
Dramatically increase the number of impressions you can deliver and attract more, bigger and higher-paying advertisers.
• Increase Valuation
Looking to boost stock value, attract investors or sell your site? The value of a web site is greatly influenced by traffic. All else being equal, a site is worth significantly more with 1,000,000 visitors per month than with 20,000!
• Attract Attention
Can't make the radar screen of advertisers, investors, potential partners or the media? Start getting enormous traffic levels and you will definitely get their attention.
• Gain Respect
Imagine how it will feel to tell people you get 100,000 visitors per month to your site! Or 1,000,000 - or more! Imagine how it will make them feel about you. Now you can get the "big league" respect that smaller sites will just never have!
• Join the Internet Elite
We can literally take your site from zero to a Top 500 web property in just 30-60 days! When this happens, the real players take notice. Then investors and potential partners will be contacting you wanting to do buisness.
©2001-2003 by 4WebHits.com
